User Stories: complete
hello !! :)
my name is Dylan Bakr.{
name: 'dylan'
age: 24
height: 6'0"
likes: 'making things happen'
During my 8th grade year, used Alice to build out a game I called A Wizarding World
My junior year of college, I began learning to use Unity for the development of a commemorative VR garden as part of a project I was involved in for WFYI (see resume)
Developed a Hunt the Wumpus game during my sophomore year of college as part of my OOP Java course.
Download the zip and play it for yourself! (extra credit
was to reskin the game)
note: you'll need to have a Java Runtime Environment on your system. See installation instructions in the project's readme on GitHub
I led a robotics team during 7th grade in learning the (then) new Lego Mindstorms™ 2.0 robots my school had just acquired.
We built various robots using combinations of motors and sensors. Learned the basics to top-down programming as
well as conditional logic. We then toured the younger grades classrooms with the robots and had them interact
with each one.
I used Python for programming Sparki™ as part of my time as a comp. sci. departmental tutor.
I have designed various software tools: from simple shell games ( text formatting is important! )
to multi-screen desktop applications, & web apps. I have the ability to turn whatever you have in mind
into reality ( a .pdf
helps too if you're crafty with Word or PowerPoint)
Creative freedom is nice-- I don't consider myself to have a "signature style" or anything like that.
I just go with the flow of the content and try to make each interaction with the user as meaningful
as possible. Minimalist designs are my favorite and I love implementing slight animations that
help create an immersive look & feel.
I have a strong understanding of relational object models & design databases as abstractly as possible-- joining tables is no issue. I have built databases for things like ticketing systems & cloud object models. SQL is the usual underlying culprit but I've queried a number of flavors like sqllite3 & SOQL (Salesforce Object)
User Stories: complete
i have always had a passion for writing code;
creating software is a beautiful process that looks different for virtually everyone;
yet each person holds the same power to create amazing tools that can make an impact on someone's life globally, instantly.
it is said that if you enjoy what you do, you never work a day in your life--
this is true as far as i've experienced;
my goal in life is to love and to enjoy myself. i enjoy answering questions. really, i enjoy information.. there's a word for that isn't there? .. what is it . . ? ah ** learning
that's what i enjoy doing;
and the internet is the best place to do that.
i believe that software can help society rapidly progress towards a better, cleaner future.
i believe many menial tasks
fast food
should be replaced by automation and would like to contribute to the migration of them thereto.
too much of our time is wasted as a society. by automating the vital processes involved in human sustainment, people will be able to live free;
by allowing people to live free, imagination and inspiration may have a chance to take hold and drive them to create the change we so desperately need in this world
by some means, you arrived here. you've interacted with this site enough to find your way to this tile.
everything you see/feel within this page, i created it. this is meant to be a portfolio, of sorts. a demonstration.
as a software engineer, it is important to have some information available about you that could lead to opportunities
opportunities to teach, opportunities to learn, and opportunities to do.
so here it is. everything that i feel is relevant to know about me and some of my credibility as a software engineer can currently, or will eventually, be able to be found here.
This site is built with vanilla Javascript. No frameworks involved. Just good, old-fashioned code.
hex colors are a hexadecimal representation of a color.
they are used in web development (and other
places) to define the color of an element.
the format is a 6-digit string that represents the red, green,
and blue values of the color.
the first two digits represent the red value, the second two represent the
green value, and the last two represent the blue value.
the values range from 0 to 255 and are represented as
base 16 [1016] numbers.